We need vibrant teams, leaders and human beings capable of taking wise action
Hi, I’m Jessica! As the founder of Wholly I am inviting you to uncover the power of vertical development and join a community of people able to navigate rapid changes, find brilliant solutions and live extraordinary lives.

Uplift your Life Experience
Realize your becoming and next chapter in life
Unlock your full potential

Lead with Expanded Presence
Bring your leadership to the next level
Expand your leadership capacity

Transform your Organization
Empower your organization to thrive
Gain extensive power to transform
“Together, we create a vibrant, wise future, for generations to join."
Learn about the stages of Vertical Development
We develop through life in predictable ways, expanding our sense of identity and upgrading the mental models we use when thinking - our mindsets. Learn more about each step of vertical development.

Transform your Organization
Culture transformation is the catalyst for organizational evolution. With Wholly at your side, you will gain extensive power to support leaders and teams to evolve a flourishing culture and build a profitable and regenerative organization.
UPLIFT your whole organization! Enhance leadership effectiveness, people engagement and creative productivity by fostering an adaptive, collaborative and innovative workplace with a high trust team performance culture.
SCHEDULE A MEETINGLead with Expanded Presence
Leadership isn't just about managing teams; it's about nurturing growth, inspiring innovation, and fostering lasting change.
Vertical Leadership Development guide you towards achieving your true leadership presence and potential. It grows your leadership capacity and help you navigate in today's dynamic business landscape.
Embark on an enriching voyage of self-discovery, honing your visionary leadership skills, and expanding your consciousness.
Fast track your vertical development with a 12 weeks program that can allow you to get the phenomenal results that previous participants testify:
- Freed up time, found simplicity, flow, balance and harmony
- Higher life energy, influence and power
- Courage and passion with less performance, stress and pressure
- A clearer purpose, compass, and expanded self-expression
- Stronger relationships and self-confidence

Discover Vertical Coaching
Wake up to the possibilities around you, unleash your full potential and reach phenomenal results, like previous clients:
- Purpose, clarity, direction and meaning
- Fulfillment and focus on what matters
- More resilience and confidence to act
- Stronger relations and communication
- Maturity, emotional and psychological
Embark on a journey of self-discovery, leadership and expanded consciousness that transforms your life and leadership forever.
Sofia Karlsson
"The best coach"
"The best coach in the world! Being coached by Jessica is one of the best decisions I have made. She has coached me to reach new levels I didn't even see existed inside of me."

Chris McCann
"Shift perspectives"
"Through our sessions, Jessica encouraged me to shift perspectives, understand my values and focus on the outline of a fulfilling life... I can’t recommend Jessica enough."

Paula Ulander
"Life changing"
"The coaching journey with Jessica has been life-changing... and had an impact on all of mine important relationships, both private and professional."